Xi' an UniIC has developed an extensive range of memory chip products, encompassing standard SDR, DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, and mobile LPDDR, LPDDR2, LPDDR4, of which more than 20 products have achieved global mass production and sales; the memory module products include server memory modules (RDIMM), laptop memory modules (SODIMM), and desktop memory modules (UDIMM), with more than 40 models being mass-produced and sold globally. The company has also conducted R&D and layout in the field of embedded storage SRAM and new memory RRAM.
Learn moreBy focusing on the product realization process, Xi'an UniIC has established a comprehensive lifecycle quality management system, i.e., product initiation, design and development, procurement, outsourced production management, testing, shipping, and after-sales support—all within the scope of the quality management system. The Quality and Reliability Engineering Department of Xi'an UniIC is deeply involved in quality management activities throughout the entire product lifecycle. This involvement ensures high-quality support for relevant management processes, guaranteeing the continuous provision of high-quality products and customer support.
Learn moreXi'an UniIC, a subsidiary of Tsinghua Unigroup, is a product and service provider focusing on DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) technologies. As a technology-driven comprehensive IC design enterprise, its core business includes standard memory chips, module and system products, embedded DRAM and memory controller chips, as well as ASIC design services.
Learn more西安紫光国芯半导体有限公司模拟设计服务团队,旨在为客户提供完整的模拟/混合信号IP所需全流程设计服务,涵盖了从IP设计规格(SPEC)定义,电路设计,全定制版图设计到最终交付代工厂生产数据(GDS)的输出,以及后续芯片测试支持;也包括混合信号IP中数字模块的设计(RTL)和验证,行为级模型(Behavior Model)建立以及最终数字后端实现;本团队具有大量丰富经验的模拟集成电路设计师(平均工作年限大于8年)和全定制模拟版图设计师(平均工作年限大于10年)。
• 模拟IP的电路设计服务(从SPEC定义到电路设计数据输出)
• 混合信号IP的电路设计服务(从SPEC定义到电路设计数据输出)
• 模拟IP全定制版图设计服务(从电路输入到GDS/LEF输出)
• 混合信号IP中的数字模块RTL设计,验证以及后端的半定制实现
• 模拟IP和混合信号IP的行为级模型建立和验证
• 模拟IP和混合信号IP的芯片测试支持
• 模拟电路设计团队拥有大量经验丰富的资深模拟电路和混合信号电路设计师,平均的工作年限大于8年,具有丰富的芯片量产和测试支持经验(涵盖时钟类,电源管理类,高速接口类等多个领域)。
• DRAM: > 38 项目流片、量产,负责DRAM PHY 和 Device中电源管理类模块(BGR、Charge Pump、LDO、POR),时钟类模块(OSC、DLL、PLL)和IO类模块(Receiver、OCD、ODT、ESD)等设计、验证和测试支持工作。
• Baseband: > 6 项目流片、量产,负责基带芯片中电源管理类IP(BGR、LDO)和时钟类IP(OSC、PLL: 整数和小数)等设计、验证和测试支持工作。
• CPU: > 2 项目流片、量产,负责低功率内核中模拟IP(Power gate、XTAL、LC-PLL、Ring-PLL、DLLs、低噪声LDO、高速LDO、SD-ADC、Temp Sensor、Clock Divider etc.)的设计、验证和测试支持工作。
• FPGA:> 6 项目流片、量产,负责FPGA中模拟IP(XTAL、PLL、OSCs、BGR、LDOs、LVDS、SAR ADC、RX etc.)的设计、
• 验证和测试支持工作。
• MCU、NFC、Wireless Charger:> 6 项目流片、量产,负责模拟IP(DC-DC、PLL、LDOs、XTAL、OSCs、VDT、TD、CMP、OPA、POR、BGR)的设计、验证和测试支持工作。
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