Xi' an UniIC has developed an extensive range of memory chip products, encompassing standard SDR, DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, and mobile LPDDR, LPDDR2, LPDDR4, of which more than 20 products have achieved global mass production and sales; the memory module products include server memory modules (RDIMM), laptop memory modules (SODIMM), and desktop memory modules (UDIMM), with more than 40 models being mass-produced and sold globally. The company has also conducted R&D and layout in the field of embedded storage SRAM and new memory RRAM.
Learn moreBy focusing on the product realization process, Xi'an UniIC has established a comprehensive lifecycle quality management system, i.e., product initiation, design and development, procurement, outsourced production management, testing, shipping, and after-sales support—all within the scope of the quality management system. The Quality and Reliability Engineering Department of Xi'an UniIC is deeply involved in quality management activities throughout the entire product lifecycle. This involvement ensures high-quality support for relevant management processes, guaranteeing the continuous provision of high-quality products and customer support.
Learn moreXi'an UniIC, a subsidiary of Tsinghua Unigroup, is a product and service provider focusing on DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) technologies. As a technology-driven comprehensive IC design enterprise, its core business includes standard memory chips, module and system products, embedded DRAM and memory controller chips, as well as ASIC design services.
Learn more品牌产品保修政策
1. 保修期限
2. 保修服务内容
2.1 西安紫光国芯为不受保修限制的品牌产品提供终身免费维修或换货服务(优先进行免费维修);
2.2 西安紫光国芯确保为客户维修或换货之良品品质;
2.3 如遇停产或不再提供维修服务的产品,西安紫光国芯将为客户更换为同规格或更高规格产品;
2.4 西安紫光国芯 Co-logo 限量版之产品如需维修或换货,西安紫光国芯保留更换为同规格其他产品的权利。
3. 保修限制
3.1 人为不当操作导致产品外观客损,如产品断裂,产品金手指脱落,外观损伤等;
3.2 非西安紫光国芯技术人员维修或拆装过的产品;
3.3 产品标签与实物不符、标签模糊、破损等影响产品辨识;
3.4 未按产品说明书条例的要求操作、维护、保管而造成损坏时;
3.5 经西安紫光国芯判定为仿冒品;
3.6 其他非西安紫光国芯产品自身原因造成的故障或损坏。
4. 维修服务
5. 维修限制
5.1 因内存条本身客损严重如金手指脱落,PCB 断裂等,造成无法维修的,西安紫光国芯将原片退回;
5.2 西安紫光国芯维修目的为恢复产品功能,维修后的产品外观与新品会有差异;
5.3 受产品工艺影响,并非所有产品均可维修成功,最终以西安紫光国芯检测判定结论为准。
6. 技术与售后支持
6.1 热线电话:029-88318000-8288;
6.2 服务支持邮箱: support@unisemicon.com;
6.3 其他相关产品信息详情,请访问公司官方网站对应版块。
7. 免责条款
7.1 在适用法律所允许的范围内,上述内容为西安紫光国芯产品的完整保修规定,代替所有其他的书面或口头保修;
7.2 西安紫光国芯并未授权其产品用于生命维持设备的关键性零件,以及其他因产品故障或功能失常可能导致受伤或死亡等情况发生的一切相关应用。若西安紫光国芯的产品应用于军事设备或军事相关设备、交通控制设备、灾害预防系统或医疗设备等非西安紫光国芯授权领域时,造成任何人员受伤死亡、任何个人损失或是任何财产损失,西安紫光国芯将不承担任何法律责任。
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